Bodymind Integrity Session in Practice
You don’t need tools to cover up your experience. You need tools to stay with your experience. That is exactly what Alexander Technique is offering.
Reading Time: 2min
Tension & Fear of Failure
Actual change comes when leaving the symptoms alone and not trying to change what you think needs changing. The easier way is to prevent tension by erasing the fear of failure in the process. No real learning can take place if the fear-reflexes are excited.
Reading Time: 2min
Pain is often the first feedback of imbalance in the system. But this is not soon enough. We can do so much better if the knowledge becomes available to us. Conscious observation is the first step towards improving any difficulty you might be facing.
Reading Time: 3min
Having all the information about how to change habits, become aware and improve yourself, consider doing nothing about the improvement in order to break the cycle that actually causes your tensions. There’s nothing to fix, if everything’s okay.
Reading Time: 3min