Bodymind Integrity Session in Practice

There is nothing for you to do, feel or examine. You don't have to be aware of anything. There are no problems in you to explore. No fixing. Just look out of the window. I am the mover, you are the allower. We are both curious about your bodymind condition - your quality of movement while you are moving.

There is a movement that is and there is a movement that you do. Let’s explore that. It is rather simple actually – rigidity and stuckness give way for elasticity and free flow. Smoother quality in movement tells us about a shift in thinking. Mind is more at ease here.

Stillness. In mind, in body. If you feel more upright, it is because you are not trying to be upright. Nature does it when you are quiet in your mind - not trying.

There is no need to be in any way different from what you are already. It might be little exposing - vulnerable - to be in that relaxed state. Less armouring, a sense of rawness. Unknown in practice. We don't know what might come in, we are not trying to make anything happen.

That part of Alexander Technique goes close to your soul, opening on psychophysical, emotional and spiritual levels. It is a healing process with the real experiences. It is not just another walk in a park. It is an opportunity to allow feelings to come in and be okay with vulnerability. Acknowledge them, don’t judge. Be aware without judgment.

This can happen only with having trust in the teacher, in yourself, in the process.

If you are stuck, you are also stuck in an imagination bubble. You can’t see far enough out of your situation. My expertise is to show you that you can be in a way you couldn’t even imagine before.

Everyone’s story is similar – we are all having a human experience. It is not that difficult to understand another. But it works best when we embody our own experience.

And so, I let myself be touched by the person who I touch.

An Alexander session gives you an opportunity - time and space - to process the experience of who you are. This will bring about freedom in the soft tissue, muscles, skeleton. Bodymind, remember, not body and mind.

I am not connecting your mind with your body, I am showing you that you are a bodymind, mindbody, a whole, total human being. This concerns the aspects you have been trying to hide about yourself.

You don’t need tools to cover up your experience. You need tools to stay with your experience.

Here is an invitation to make the discovery for yourself. It is your choice to come, have an experience and then take the new with you or return back to old ways. None of it is to push or pull. You just are.

With a number of sessions your nervous system will become more reliable in those new ways, but never perfectly reliable. There will always be blindspots. There will continue to be new experiences in life, and we learn to accept that matter of fact in the sessions.

Cathy S.

Cathy teaches the Alexander Technique and Nonviolent Communication - methods that help to solve the puzzle of healthy human functioning, embodiment, and wellbeing.

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