
Suddenly I’m not the center of the universe any more. Suddenly my thoughts and feelings are not so burningly overwhelming. I open up to the world. I receive more nuances of my reality. Now I truly see the person in front of me - with his own complexities, feelings and experiences. And for the first time his reality becomes as interesting as my own. Only because now -  at last - I can handle my own experience.

There are many ways to experience your awareness expanded. One of them is a shift from yourself to a wider circle of life.

Becoming a Person

The process of becoming a person starts from rigidity and tension, glides towards gradually loosening your constructs and having more intense feelings. This is moving through freer flow of expression about self-related experiences. Often the process ends up with feelings that are expressed fluently in the present moment. Your life is not just a story to tell anymore. It’s to be experienced.


Here I come from the place of feeling connected to myself, to others and to everything else around or prior to me. From that place it becomes more difficult to push me over, to hurt me or offend me, to trigger me. I have my ground and I feel resilient. I’m not doing anything about it, except being with the experience. A phrase comes to my mind that I hear now with a smile: No-Nonsense Nondoing. In my connected way of being, there’s nothing more to do to improve myself. I’m in the middle of my Self and everything else is nonsense – nothing to take too seriously!

We do live in an incredibly disconnected world. Most people are not aware of the body that carries their precious head unless they have a special interest in embodiment. When at some moments you do experience connection, you are able to feel centered and at ease in your separatedness. This doesn’t have to be random, but is a skill to learn. It might sound strange, but it’s the most radical step to reach. No nonsense in it! The natural desire to be authentic, open and free is possible to be experienced.

How then?

But how did I get to have this experince of connection? When you are promised that kind of „separation from suffering while being connected” (buddhism); or „to be that Self which one truly is” (Carl Rogers); or „just observe - stand aside from the experience without getting involved” (Krishnamurti), then always ask the question HOW? Have you found satisfying answers for the how?

Luckily there are million ways to get in. Find your methods. One of them I can offer to you, and it’s a simple one. Actually it’s almost too simple and straightforward – based on being received fully as you are.

I can offer it to you, because my Self doesn’t need to be guarded anymore. I can meet life on a real basis. I am able to fully experience your reality.

When you feel understood and welcomed in your expressions, behaviours and experiences, you might be ready for a bigger connection.

Cathy S.

Cathy teaches the Alexander Technique and Nonviolent Communication - methods that help to solve the puzzle of healthy human functioning, embodiment, and wellbeing.

Tension & Fear of Failure

